
5 Mar 2013

Oyster nails, a new nail trend of 2013?!

Well good morning all, so I saw this picture in Scratch magazine and it really caught my eye.

The oyster nail has been all over the catwalk this season but will people start wearing this, in my opinion,strange nail design?

It can't be too practical I mean think of all the stuff that's going to get stuck under there, gross!!

I also would imagine they would get caught on everything! Nothing worse than a nail ripping off!! Ouch!! 
I'm not keen on this at all and can't see it being practical for an everyday audience but it sure is a talking point for the fashion world! 
Would you wear these? 


  1. I agree with you Jade these cant be the best nails for everyday wear, and I for one will not be trying them ..... Thanks for sharing them tho

    1. thanks for commenting,I also think they look a tad ridiculus :)

  2. AnonymousMay 12, 2013

    Wow, I must have missed this trend lol. They look very...odd. If there was just one layer it might look better. Thanks for bringing them to my attention though :)

    1. Im just glad people didn't pick this up. Gross! Somethings should just stay on the catwalk lol
