
20 May 2013

Blue Rhapsody

 This is Essie's Blue Rhapsody. A beautiful iced blue metallic shade. Its not overly blue.
It applies okay, although there are some visible brush strokes caused mainly by the quick drying time. The drying time on this is really fast. 
I also find that streaks are normal in metallic polishes but usually they are not that noticeable, not enough to cause a problem.

**The bump on the middle fingernail is not a bump, its my cameras reflection!**
This is two coats with no topcoat. I added a flower sticker just to jazz it up a tad, but its a showy polish on its own so I didn't want to over do it.

Essie are one of my favorite nail polish brand as they have a wide range of colours and a perfect brush, in my opinion. the brush is wider than usual so you can apply in less strokes causing less streaks. Although there is visable brush stroke on this polish. 
Blue Rhapsody dries slightly matte.

The one thing about metallic polishes like this, regardless of brand, is that they really do show up any imperfections you may have in your nail so its best to use a ridge filling base coat. 


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