
17 May 2013

Design Your Own Indie Polish With TarasTalons

Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of nail art Ive been very poorly this week :( 
I was browsing TarasTalons Etsy Shop and found that she was now offering a custom polish! 
So basically you email her with what your looking for and maybe email her some pictures of a swatch you like and she will design a polish just for you! 
You can even name your creation and TaDa! You will be the owner of your very own custom, one of a kind polish! 
A must have for any nail addict! It would even be a great gift idea for any one who loves nail polish! 
I can see it now "Here you are, Ive had this made just for you!" Id swoon after anyone with that gift offering!! If your reading this Hubby, take note!! 

And to make the offer even more sweet you can use the Life In Lacquer discount code lifeinlacquer20 to receive 20% off your order (no minimum order!) 

So you can get your very own unique polish for under a tenner, postage included! 

Go and check it out HERE

Ive ordered one myself so keep your peepers peeled for a swatch when its made!!

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