
7 May 2013

Sandcastles By TarasTalons

 My indie polish arrived today. I hate waiting for things and it was so annoying having to wait over the bank holiday!

This colour is a polish made by TarasTalons, the company was featured by me in a previous post. Life In Lacquer also has an exclusive discount for 20% off with no minimum spend!

This is three coats with a topcoat. I did find that it wasn't as smooth going on as some polishes but the top coat sorted that out and this colour is lovely!
I even got a compliment in the shop today and I never do! Which is strange when you think about all the designs I usually have!

I think this is a pretty polish and I really love having a polish which is a limited edition so I know that I am one of the only people in the world to have this shade!!


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