
14 Jun 2013

Accessorize Speckled Swatches

I purchased these from Superdrug a couple weeks ago on a 3 for 2 as i am really into glitters at the mo and I wanted to try these out.
Big apologises in advance of my TERRIBLE cuticles and side walls! Gross! No excuses, i will sort them :)

So first up is Damselfly. Here it is with 3 coats, no top coat.

 A light blue,almost turquoise with dark blue and silver glitter. This is my fave out of all three. All three polishes applied really well, i was actually surprised as i thought that with all the glitter i would get a rubbish cuticle line but in fact all these swatches had NO clean-up so that's a bonus. 

Next up is Dragonfly, also pictured with 3 coats and no top coat
 A green with blue hex's. This is my least favourite as i think this colour combination is a tad boring! 

Last up is Butterfly, you guessed it... 3 coats with no top coat.
A PVA glue style white base with red and black hex's. Loved this!

The formula was really good on all the polishes and the glitter distribution was fair too. I hate the lid on these! I have big ol' hands and its hard to use :( 
I loved the jelly type effect these had and it created depth as the glitter from the previous coats are slightly covered. 
Lovely Polishes all in all and there are a few other shades available. 
Buy from Superdrug HERE for £3.45

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