
22 Sept 2013

Blog Your Heart Out Award!

Ive been super lame about keeping up to date with things recently but I have finally kind of caught up! 

I was nominated for this by My Nail Files and it was a pleasant surprise in my inbox! Its nice to know that someone loves me! LOL

As part of the award I have to answer these questions and nominate five more bloggers. 

I nominate.............
(drum roll please!)

1. What/who encouraged you to start blogging?
Well after I had my youngest I gave up my little nail business but I still wanted to do nails so thats where it kind of started. My friend, Roo, Really pushed me to do it and I am glad she did! After about 2 weeks of trying to find a name... Life in Lacquer was born!

2. How did you choose what topic(s) to blog about?
I just sit at my table and go with the flow!

3. What is something that most people don't know about you?
I am a qualified Florist.

4. What three words describe your style?
Unconventional. Thats all i can think of really! I like to be different.

5. What do you like to do when you are not blogging?

Look after my two boys and crochet. I also enjoy watching TV but i dont get as much time now I have a blog LOL 

Okay so if you have been nominated please answer the above questions and nominate 5 people! 

Thanks for reading!

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