
9 Sept 2013

Dotty Daisies

I am in LOVE with dots at the mo. Ever since I got my Pro Plate 10 from Moyou, every mani has dots on LOL! In fact i am just about to put them on my feet!

The photo of this sucks... I ended up having to take a pic of this at night and I just couldn't get a great shot but I just have to put it up now, I cant wait!

As you can probably see that I only went and bloody knocked the middle bubble charm! Some night nothing works for me at all! 

This is Aquadelic by China Glaze and Konad in White. 
Aquadelic is a stunning greeny blue type bright pastel. One of my new fave polishes. I am holding on to the summer by using bright colours for every mani but to be honest I love getting to use my darker colours.

I love the fact that this polish matches the bubble charms EXACTLY! 
Like I have said I love this mani, would be perfect for spring! 

I have used Bubble charms before (HERE) and they are super easy to use. Just dont move them around too much after they are placed otherwise you run the risk of effecting the image. 

You can buy these Bubble charms from Sparkly Nails 

*some of these products were sent to me for an HONEST review. The views on this product are COMPLETELY my own.*


  1. Hi, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here, and send me your link in the comments when you have accepted, so I can see your answers to the questions. :)
    <3 Dawn <3
