
28 Sept 2013

Incoco update 1 week on....

I have had Incoco on for a week now. 
The great news is they are still on! 

As you can see they have got tip wear and growth at the cuticle (obviously :P) 
I have not gone easy on these. I have had long baths, changed nappies and done the cleaning. All at the same time, LOL! 
I am very surprised that they are still on. Nail polish rarely lasts on me, unless its that pesky glitter!

Yes there is some wear etc but you would expect that from a regular polish. 
so all in all I love these. 
The application is fairly simple and I can see it getting better the more you do it. For me, they lasted fantastically. I'm really chuffed.

You can purchase these and LOADS of other designs HERE

What do you think? 
Would you wear these?

*some of these products were sent to me for an HONEST review. The views on this product are COMPLETELY my own.*

1 comment:

  1. Hi I nominated you for a blog award -
