
2 Oct 2013

Mountain Nail art

Hello my lovelies! 
The wether has been so bleugh here! 
yesterday we had our father in law round and he is an artist so as you can imagine we were sat talking and painting for a while lol! 

So this is what we came up with..... 

Marcus *father in law* gave me some tips and painted some things for me to copy. 
I actually found this okay to do, not too hard! 

Okay so we have mountains,birds, a kite and a hot air balloon. 

I used Essie's Butler Please and Avenue Maintain and a little BarryM at the bottom of the gradient. 

The rest is acrylic paints. 

So what do you think? I think the gradient could have been better but its all good practice! 


  1. It's a very cute, fresh and creative look - well done! Xx

    1. Thanks! I wanted to do something different for a change. You dont see mountains nail art much LOL

  2. I love this mani! the mountains look great x I like the colours used also :)

  3. It is amazing. You did a great job:)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! im hoping to do more nail art like this in the future but it does take a lot of patience!
