
14 Oct 2013

NOTD: Mysterious Lines

I love BarryM gelly polishes but i hardly ever use them. I find them a bit thick sometimes so I think that puts me off when I go to pick my colours.

I have wanted to use Sick Lacquers Mysterious Ways for ages and last week I wore it on a night out, but forgot to take photos DUH!
Everytime I use a new Sick Lacquers polish I always say to my other half  "this is my favorite one, you know."
I just love them all so much I can't actually decide which one I like best. The formula is always great, never too thick (my pet hate) and have great coverage in two coats.
I hand painted the lines using a very small brush that I have cut down some of the strands to make it even thinner.
 For this funky line mani I used Sick Lacquers Mysterious Ways. BarryM Gelly in Guava and Grapefruit. All Pictured with 2 coats.

Whenever I photograph Guava its never bloody right. Its alot more of a teal in real life and you can really see the green hue. Its not this blue pictured here. *SIGH*

Mysterious Ways has a white base which is opaque in two coats. It features glitter in a vast array of sizes and colours. 
You can find Sick LacquersHERE

What do you think of this bright mani? 


  1. I love it!! Those lines are pure awesomeness lol. I can't paint a straight line so those curvy ones would never turn out that good on me!!

    1. thanks hun!!! I have gotten so much better! My father in law has been teaching me and encouraging me so soon ill be painting mini masterpieces on my nails lol!!
