
16 Dec 2013

Crochet Corner...

I hope you guys don't mind but I would love to share some of my crochet pics with you!

I have been very busy making hats for people for Xmas.... And some lovely people have bought some off me too!!

I know its not nail related and if you don't like looking at it I wont post again, please comment your thoughts :D

The hat pattern I made up myself so I am quite proud of that one, in fact I'm making another one!

I spend so much time doing it recently I thought id give you all a look! 


  1. I'm a crocheter too! My instagram is dedicated to all my crochet stuff and nails! Sometimes I photograph with my crochet things I've made! Keep it up :D xx

    1. I have seen alot of your beautiful designs hun! and thanks :D

  2. I love the little cupcake hat! Kudos!
