
18 Mar 2014

Yume Lacquer Flame Warrior

 That's right I'm back from the dead! 

Well not literally but that's the way it bloody felt! 
For the second time this year I have been struck down by flu! 

I hate flu. I mean who doesn't? 
The only goo thing abut flu is that i am now 8lb lighter and closer to my weight loss goal! RESULT! 

Yume Lacquer sent me some lovely polishes to review and they have been sat on the top of my Helmer for what seems like forever so tonight I bring you


All the polishes from Yume Lacquer are based on game or comic characters. This one is based on Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon.

This one is a strange one. I expected to be red red but its like a darker plum red. 

It features a purple micro glitter which catches the light and is noticeable. 
It actually dries matte so I used one coat of topcoat for the pics here. I think one more coat of topcoat would have made this even nicer. 
The application of this is great, 2 standard coats in these pics. 

I think this is one of those polishes that you wouldn't be able to get on the high street and I love that not all indie look alike, although some are starting too...

So what do you think of this Yume Lacquer? I have 4 more to show you soon......

Please check out their ETSY store and FACEBOOK Page and show some Life in Lacquer love <3

*This is a press sample. I was sent this product for an honest review. for more details please see my disclosure page*


  1. Oooo you're totally right, this does lean plum! It looks gorgeous, I love seeing unusual reds :)

    1. It really is one of those shades you really dont see often. Infact this one is very unique to me. So pretty!
