
18 Apr 2014

Nails Supreme Review and Nail Art...

I have really been trying to get back into nail art recently. Im going to put more and more time (and posts) into and practicing art.

So on that note I wanted to try a new nail art pen or a few different options to see what I prefered best. I looked online and saw that Sophie Harris Greenslade AKA The Illustrated Nail used nail art pens called Nails Supreme. I have never gotten on with the nibbed pens before but It had been over 2 years since I lasted tried! 

Lucie from Lucy's Stash also recommended these to me and she wrote a great review on these which you can find here

I purchased these on eBay as they turned out cheaper than anywhere else I can find them. These came in at nearly £19. So not cheap but worth it if I can get on with them lol. 

I bought the Matt Set (CP1) and its comes with 10 different colours connected together. 
The pack is also supposed to come with a cleaning tool but I couldn't find that in my kit. 

The nib is pretty small so ideal for very intricate nail art.
One thing to mention is that when you unscrew the nib there is a brush but it is NOT a striping brush, It is a regular nail polish brush. 

I chose to use the yellow and white for this nail art and also try out one of my new polishes from my recent Harlow Haul.

The yellow didn't cover as well as the white and I was warned by Lucie that some don't cover as well as others.

For the bases I used Glam Polish, She Had A Lipstick Taser! and BarryM Gelly Dragon Fruit. 
This Glam Polish is so freaking lush. The layering of the glitter is sooo good! Its a nice bright blue but not in an offensive way.

Okay so I need to get used to the whole squeezing and drawing thing.
 It was hard not to over squeeze, that then creates an uneven line.

I also think one of my biggest downfalls is not sitting and thinking what I am going to do before I do it and thats why it never works out how I want it too. 
Some people find it easy to just free hand and doodle etc but I just cant do it so for me planning is the way forward. 

I look forward to really getting stuck in with these and hope one day I can master them. 

Have you ever tried these? What do you use for your nail arts?

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