
27 May 2014

Carmine Mani by Marcus

I'm technically on holiday at the mo... Can you believe Ive been so organised Ive scheduled posts!!
I cant have you all going without nail art can I?!

Marcus, as regular readers will know, is my father in law. Marcus seems to have really gotten into nail art and its great to sit down and bounce ideas around!

This mani features three reds
MaxFactors Glossfinity in 110 Red Passion, Zoya PixieDust in Chyna and China Glaze City Siren.

These colours all covered really well so no white base was needed. Marcus just used a thin brush to do the red design and then outlined in black. 

For this design we decided to topcoat over the PixieDust and man was that a glittery red!
You would need more than just the one coat of topcoat. 
We only used one though.

What do you think of this nail art? I think this is so fab! 
Its easy to do and can be done in any colour combo! You could even add studs or dots? 

Don't fret guys I will be back soon and we can chat all about my holiday... 
Bet ya cant wait ?!!

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