
8 May 2014

Keep Breathing Little Fishy

I have wanted to use Keep Breathing by Cadillacquer for so long but for some reason I have overlooked it whenever I pick out my polishes. 

I didn't have a nail art in mind when I started putting this on but then my eyes fell on my poorly goldfish. His tank is directly opposite where I sit to do my nails. He has swim bladder disease and so far is not getting any better. We bought the goldfish as gifts for my son the day before his brother was born (they unfortunately died while I was in labour....oooppss) Two more were swiftly bought and replaced the others before my son had even realised :P 

I feel so sorry for this little guy and what's the best way to cheer a goldfish up? That's right, do a fish themed nail art. 

So here we are. The worst looking fish nail art you have ever seen.....

I'm am actually proud of the reed/plant things and lily pads... 
The fish on my nails looks even more poorly than my fish in real life Ha! 

On the other hand this polish by Cadillacquer is lush a blue with beautiful purple glitter and a micro glitter adds to the shimmer. 
Covers well with two coats :) 

So hopefully I will be able to rescue my fish and not have to send him to the big fish toilet in the sky. 
I am doing the pea thing but we will have to see.... hes not looking to good.

But at least he is forever immortalised in a bad nail art :P

after a very late night and lots of pea feeding he looked to be recovering.... only to pass on to the great lake in the sky the next morning. 
My son still hasn't noticed.

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