
14 May 2014

Polished By KPT Blue Is Beautiful Thermal

Oh how I love thermals and this is no exception. I think KPT thermals are some of the best as they are super reactive and the changes in colour are noticeable.

I own three KPT thermals and today i thought I would show you all Blue is Beautiful. Not the most imaginative name but its the polish that really counts!

I do tend to fine thermals are a bit thicker than normal polishes but I have read that that is to do with the amount of pigment needed to create a thermal.

On with the polish.....

I used three thin coats for the photos below

When COLD this polish is a deep blue. The glitter is a micro holo type glitter. The glitter is noticeable in its cold and warm state. It is very jam packed with glitter!
 This is a deep and jelly type of polish. The glitter builds up depth.

In its TRANSITION state the nails go from a very light and sheer glittery blue to the deep blue pictured above. It creates a lovely gradient effect.

In its WARM state the polish is quite sheer and you can see your nail line. As you all know I do not like a VNL but this polish is so so beautiful I'm almost able to ignore it. 

I know I do say this a lot but I really really love this polish. Its colour change is very noticeable and I think that's a must when it comes to thermals. I mean if you cant really tell its changed then whats the point?!

This was also smooth on the nail so one coat of top coat was all that was needed.

What do you think of thermals? Do you own any?

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