
5 Jun 2014

Nail Stickrs Review and Nail Art

Today I received these lovely samples in the post!

Nail Stickrs is a company based in the USA but they DO ship to the UK.  Shipping is cheap too, $2.50 which works out at around £1.49

I was sent a pretty big pack of stencils and stickers to play around with so expect quite a few designs with these babies!

Okay so today I decided to try the straight lines and the arrow type ones first. I am in love with all things geometric at the mo!

The polish needs to be proper dry before using these so I recommend waiting a while after base colour application. I didn't use a fast dry topcoat so waited about an hour. I have tried to use a topcoat to speed up this process before but I actually don't think it works too well. It makes you think its dry when its not, sneaky!

Nail Vinyl Stickrs how to apply

First I picked up a bunch of the stencils and the placed them on my nails. This way I can ensure they are straight and equally spaced. 

Nail Vinyl Stickrs how to apply

Then I removed every other sticker. I found using tweezers made this part easier. 
When I was happy with the positioning I used the end of the tweezers to push the stencils down into the sides of the nail to make sure there are no gaps. 

Nail Vinyl Stickrs nail art

Nail Vinyl Stickrs nail art using indie polish manglaze

And there you have it. The smallest tutorial of all time! The base is Manglaze Mayonnaise. A matte shimmery white. Takes 3 coats for opacity.

I then used a sponge and OPI Nein Nein Nein Okay Fine and Mentality's Scoundrel to create the gradient.

The triangle shape was also made using Nail Stickrs but this time I used the straight lines.

I did make some mistakes with these though. Some of the polish leaked under the stencil. I found using a little brush with some nail polish remover on cleaned it up a bit. I don't think they are bad at all for a first attempt!

Matted it all, again. I mean I just love matte!

What do you think of these new Nail Stickrs? I love them and whether your new or a dab hand a nail art these have a use for everyone.

You can purchase and peruse at their WEBSITE, FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM

*products featured were sent to me as a press sample. Opinions are honest and all my own*


  1. I received mine yesterday too, I am waiting for my extreme nubs to grow a little before trying them, but I had wondered how to space zigzags so I am glad you showed the way you put a patch of them in and then removed some. I am sure I would have just sat with tweezers getting frustrated as I tried to line up single stickers. Great post!

    1. thanks so much hun, I am glad I have been of some help :) x

  2. I love what you did with them...very pretty!

  3. Wow, love these, have just ordered some from Born Pretty Store x

    1. I didnt realise you could get them from there. These are from Nail Stickrs. they are a fab company and they have tons of good designs :)
