
9 Sept 2014

Do You Have This Color In Stock-Holm? Swatch and GIVEAWAY!


Sorry there haven't been more posts recently, my son isn't taking to school to well so have been really busy,
Today I have another beautiful polish sent to me by They have also given me the go ahead to run a giveaway! The prize is a set of mini OPI polishes from the Nordic Collection. All details of the giveaway and raffelcopter widget is after the jump.

Do you have this color in Stock-holm swatch and review

This is Do You Have This Color In Stock-Holm? from the recent OPI Nordic collection. This polish was one of the hardest to photograph! It took 2 days to get this picture and I am still not 100% happy with it. 

Giveaway details and more on this polish after the jump! 

The formula of this OPI was not really to my liking. It was quite thin and watery but the coverage was fine after three thin coats.
This is a proper royal purple in my opinion although in artificial light its more of a dark iced blue. I think this shade would go lovely with some nice gold nail art!

Now its time for the bit you have all been waiting for..... GIVEAWAY TIME!

Photo coutasy of
The prize is one OPI Nordic mini set worth £10.95 which will be sent to you directly from

Okay so this is only open to UK residents as we cant post abroad :(  Please follow the steps below to earn entries. Giveaway starts 10/09/2014 at 12AM and closes on 17/09/2014 at 12AM winners will be announced shortly after

You must complete all of the mandatory steps to be entered. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. It sure is, its really unique aswell. I dont own any other purples quite like this!

  2. This looks SOOO pretty - I have a similar shade of pruple to this from Nails Inc but it's ever so slightly metallic which is kinda meh for me. This looks PERFECT howver. I have my fingers crossed for the giveaway but may well have to go out and buy this regardless. And I'm supposed to be on a Sept no-buy *sob*

    1. I am also on a no buy! Its sucks so bad! Fingers crossed for you in the giveaway!
