
26 Mar 2014

Tarquins Torment by Tara's Talons and ME!!

By complete accident Tara from Taras Talons invited me to take part in a Fan Collaboration! 

I chose to name and design mine after our cat Tarquin. 
Tarquin is a badass. 
A scary badass. 
He loves to be by himself and he is always out fighting BUT I feel he has a hard time with my kids sometimes so that's his torment! 
I love Tarquin although he scares the life out of me. I wanted to do something for him!

Here he is! 

Crappy pic but he looks just like Felix! 

So I asked Tara to make a polish with a white crelly base and white and black glitter. I asked for black shard as Tarquin is scrappy and a bit of a ruffian! 

And without further ado here's Tarquin Torment!

This has great glitter distribution and it covers well in two coats. If you wanted though you could layer it over white. 
 I love this. Anyone who knows me knows I love white crellys! 
My photos are sucky recently so Ive ordered a new bulb so hopefully that'll work....

This and the other collaboration shades have been released TODAY! yay! 

You can buy ans view them HERE

This polish was gifted to me for taking part in the collaboration. These are my honest opinions