
25 Mar 2014

Yume Lacquer Mystic and Courageous Thunder

Hello all!! 

Its been a long week already and its only Tuesday! ARG! 
My son has caught the flu thing I had so now hes super sick :( 
and I am snowed under with crochet, man I sound like an old biddie.... ON WITH THE POLISH! 

I have two green based polishes from Yume Lacquer today for ya. Yume Lacquer has of course been on the blog before HERE. 

First up is Mystic inspired by Final Fantasy 4, this beaut features gold glitter and gold stars. 

This is super sparkly in real life and not really as bright as it come across in these photos.Its more muted. More of a moss green.

I had a few problems with the application of this polish. Its just too thick for me and because of this its hard to get a nice clean look. 
The stars of course also pose a problem and I do find this with most big glitter polishes. They are hard to get an even distribution (ring finger has like one and middle finger has like a million) and of course they dont lie flat. This doesn't really bother me to much but I know some people really hate that and will pick at anything that sticks up. 
BUT saying all that its still a lovely polish. 
Pictured with two coats with two coats of top coat. 

And last up (tonight that is,I still have 2 more for ya very soon) is Courageous Thunder inspired by Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon 
I am really sorry but the name of this polish makes me think of some sort of mega wind passing episode! Im such a bloke sometimes!
This is a lush green with a purple micro glitter pigment. I love this! 

See^^ PURPLE! 

I found it so hard to capture the purple shimmer on my camera. But let me assure you it can be seen in real life. 
I really like this shade of green and I really think it suits me! The polish comes across as metallic but it isn't in real life at all, man this was a hard polish to photograph!! 
This was again two coats but only needed one coat of topcoat. It was not gritty at all. 

So theres you have it folks! Which one is your favourite so far? 
To see these and other nail polishes from Yume Lacquer please pop on over to ETSY!

These polishes were sent to me for my honest review. 

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