
13 Apr 2014

An introduction to Mega Mix Gel Polish

Okay this may end up being a quite wordy post so I'm going to break it down into a couple posts. First post I am going to describe Gel polish and give you a bit of a background in case you didn't know about that and then second post I'm going to do a step by step tutorial about how to apply Mega Mix and my feedback. I then will do a post in the next coming weeks about using Mega Mix with Mica pigments and glitter so you can create your own gel polishes!  

Image taken from the Mega Mix website

Mega Mix is a product that enables you to mix your own nail polish or pigments with a clear gel to make your own gel polish. So no need to replace your nail polish with all new gel shades. BUT does it work?

Okay so gel polish has become very fashionable these last few years. Harmony Gellish and Shellac (not a gel polish, although people always think it is) have stood out as front runners in the industry. 

Gel polish boasts better wear time and the added bonus of adding strength to your natural nail as it a bit thicker than polish. The only thing is... what do you do with all your existing polish? WELL that's where I hope Mega Mix is going to bridge that gap...

*Puts nail tech hat on* I would usually never advise doing your own gel polish application and to always seek out a reputable salon. BUT nowadays many shops, Boots for instance, stock gel polish and lamps. I think as long as you follow the instructions to the letter and practise you will get a good result. 

Mega Mix is known as a soft gel. It is removed by soaking your nails with acetone using the foil method. 

The thing to remember is that gel polish doesn't apply in the same way as nail polish. You need to build the layers up very thinly and capping the nail is essential. Without this moisture will get under the gel and the gel will lift. Another big thing is you must stay away from the cuticle. Touch this and again the gel will lift. 

You will also need to purchase a UV lamp and some alcohol to wipe off the inhibition layer after you have applied the topcoat. The inhibition layer is a sticky layer that is needed to "grip" any additional layers of gel but when you have added the top coat you don't need that sticky layer anymore so the alcohol removes that. 

I know this is a wordy post with no pics *gasp* but I wanted to explain about gel etc. If you have any questions on this subject or any for that matter I am happy to help!

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