
13 Apr 2014

MegaMix Nails. Turn Your Nail Polish Into Gel Polish!

 This is part two of my Mega Mix series. Please see my previous post on gel polish. 

So here comes the practical bit! 
I have prepared a little step by step for all y'all that are new to gel polishing and to show how to use Mega Mix, hope you enjoy!

You will need...
UV lamp
Nail polish of your choice
The three Mega Mix polishes (Amazin Base, Mega Mix and Amaze Glaze) 
A brush 
A nail buffer of 240 grit or more.  
Cotton pads. 

It is essential to remove all the cuticle off the nail plate or the gel will not adhere properly. 

1. To start you are going to want to remove the shine on your natural nail. Please do not use a regular nail file for this. Using a normal nail file will cause damage to your natural nail. I choose to use a grit of 240 or over. It is only to remove shine. so a couple sweeps of the nail file over your natural nail will do it. After you have done this then use some polish remover to clean your nail and make sure no dust remains.

As I am wearing a patch on my index finger (I had a very nasty break) I cannot put gel polish on that nail as when I remove the gel it'll soak it off. Soo i have decided to paint this nail with regular nail polish as a comparison. 

2. Time to apply the base coat. You only need a thin layer. Apply Amazin Base in the same way you would apply nail polish. Do not flood the nail with gel. I tend to do four fingers on one hand, then the next four. I choose to do the thumbs separately as its easier for me.

3. Cure the nails for 2 minutes in your UV lamp.

4. Now its time to mix your colour. You may find this easier to do BEFORE you apply base coat. If this is the case, then please move the mixed colour AWAY from the UV lamp as it can start to cure.
Start with a 50/50 ratio. It says on the website this can be increased to a ration of 80 polish to 20 gel. 

5. Apply your colour. This must be done thinly otherwise it may not cure correctly and could wrinkle. Make sure to use a brush soaked in acetone to clean up any mistakes. Once it is cured that way it cant be tidied up. Cure after layer for 2 Min's.

6. Continue step 5 until you have your desired coverage.
7. Once you are happy top it all off with Amaze Glaze. One coat. Cure again for 2 minutes. 
8. Wipe off the sticky layer with a weak alcohol solution or a gen finishing solution.


My index finger nail shows Essie's Wheres My Chauffeur using 2 coats. The other fingers show the same polish, mixed with Mega Mix and using 4 coats. 
The coverage is so much better with the polish
The coverage was not very good with this mixed gel polish. This could be due to many things I suppose. The pigmentation of the polish and the ratios I used? You can see on my ring finger especially that it is quite patchy. I suppose when you mix a polish with a clear gel it is effectively going to "water down" the colour.
I was a bit disappointed with this but I suppose it is only my first go and maybe with a more pigmented polish it wouldn't be so streaky. I'm not sure if this is the next big thing? I really love the flexibility of wearing nail polish. I can change it in an instant. BUT I can see the appeal for those wanting longer wear time. 

Mega Mix is available to buy from Martin HERE

What do you think about this? Do you have any questions? 

Stay tuned, next time I will be trying another polish.....

This gel system was provided to me for my honest review, Please see my disclaimer for details 


  1. I guess the sheerness might be a problem but the thought of having all my nail polishes as gels just sounds so awesome (PLUS the unlimited options of mixing different colours together to create a new colour!) I need to try this awesomeness!

    1. I just am not a fan of sheer polishes BUT this is only one polish so far. I have more coming in the next couple of days, There's so much more experimenting to do!!
      Its like being an indie gel designer haha I cant wait to get really stuck in and mix stuff and play around :)

    2. I've finally ordered it lol took me a long time but can't wait to create my indie gel nails now lol I have plenty of glitter awaiting :D

    3. I think that would be one way Mega Mix would really excel. Using your own pigments and glitters you can create one of a kind indies to suit your mood!

  2. I tried Mega Mix this afternoon Jade. The sheerness was also an issue for me, but I guess if you added 50% clear RNP to any coloured RNP the logic would be that for half as much pigment polish you'd need twice as many coats - not a level of effort or quantity of gel on the nail I'd be happy with generally, but for a favourite polish it may be worth it.

    1. Excatly my thoughts! It's never going to be as pigmented. That's why playing around with Mica might be fun! And like AJ said above mixing colours together will be fun too.

  3. great post. iv used this n love it. make up powders work so much better for colour depth as ur not waterin them down. def a trial n error thing tho :)

    1. Thanks hun! Thats another post coming shortly. The use of Mica and glitter! I expect that will be more fun as I can really mess around then lol!! Its good to here from someone else who has used to product more extensively :)
